Due to increased academic pressure, time constraints among others; most of the students are now seeking to employ the services of qualified exam writers for the purpose of passing their exams. When you have a tight schedule to manage the exam or you are lagging behind to get a good score in the particular course hiring exam help might be the way forward. But, often the issue arises, where can I get the right service? What measures should be taken, for instance, qualifications and reliability, and others, confidentiality? Did you ever try an exam help service before and if yes what was the experience? What there were any difficulties or additional advantages? Post your experiences of having gotten help by providing your suggestions or your stories of having been helped and warned about. This article will therefore focus on the following key concerns This article will therefore focus on the following key concerns on how to safely hire exam help, the costs that would be incurred, and the most appropriate way to make sure that none will disappoint an academic need. You will be able to point learners who may not know the right place to seek for assistance from.