1. Create a fraction using the decimal number as the numerator (top number) and 1 as the denominator (bottom number). 2. After that, multiply by a denominator to get rid of the decimal places. Determine how many digits precede the decimal point by counting them. Next, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10x, since you now have x decimal places. 3. Third, simplify the fraction. Find the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of the numerator and denominator, then divide both by that number. 54. Fourth, if practicable, simplify the remainder into a mixed number fraction. A Conversion from Decimal to Fraction Here's another: what is .625 as a fraction? You get 625/1000 when you multiply 0.625/1 by 1000/1000. By taking away 1, we obtain 5/8.