Topic: How can we write 0.6 as a fraction?

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RE: How can we write 0.6 as a fraction?


A fraction is a number that represents a part of a whole. You can write fractions by writing the numerator and denominator separately. However, the easiest way to write fractions is to use the equivalent fractions method. That is, if your fraction can be written in another form as an equivalent fraction, then it's considered a fraction. Go to this site for best tips about writing 0.6 as fraction. The key thing to remember about this method is that you can only use it for integers and fractions that have no decimals — if your decimal has a decimal point in it, then you shouldn't use this method.


How can we write 0.6 as a fraction?


Here are the procedures we take to convert a decimal to a fraction such as 0.6 as a fraction

Initially, tally the digits to the right of the decimal point.

To get rid of the decimal from the numerator, multiply the full number by 10n and divide by the result.


Afterward, the number may be simplified by cutting down on both the numerator and denominator. The output is the necessary fraction of the provided decimal number.

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