Synthetic cannabinoids manufacturers deliver them in various stores. They are human-made chemicals that are usually fake weed that alters the mind of an individual. These are a type of marijuana and can be toxic as people usually intake it with smoke and other forms.
These chemicals have different side effects on the human body. The doctors do not recommend them because these cannabinoids can result in vomiting, agitation, rapid heart rate, confusion, and hallucinations. Here is a list of different side effects when a person intakes these cannabinoids, but the condition varies depending upon the amount and duration a person is taking these drugs.
Side-effects of synthetic cannabinoids
·feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, and tiredness
·mood swings
·feeling agitated, excited, and aggressive
·suicidal thoughts
·memory problems and amnesia
·hot flushes
·anxiety and paranoia
·nausea and vomiting
·increased heart rate and blood pressure that result in chest pains and even cause a heart attack
·fingers, toes, or muscles feel numb and tingly
·excessive sweating
·tremors, seizures, and fits
Mental health risks
Synthetic cannabinoids also have a substantial effect on human mental health. They show the symoptms of hallucinations and show the symtoms ofpsychotic episodes, which could last for weeks. Also, it may cause mental illness.