Hello. In search of work I went many many miles, and many hours was waiting. Some tips are personal experience, and some things I found on the forums. These tips are simple. But I hope it will help you.
Before the interview, think about how you will be dressed. Appearance and manner of holding hold are very important and almost determine the first impression.
If you are going to a financial institution for an interview, choose a conservative-business form of clothing.
If you are going to an interview with a construction organization or a design company, you can afford to dress in a more free style.
You can try to find out in advance whether the company adopted a business or more free style of clothing, but in any case, the interview is better to dress more officially.
If appearing at work in jeans is considered in this firm in the order of things, you can afford it when you start working, but the interview in a sweater and jeans should not come.
Either way you have to look neat and tidy.
It is best for a woman to wear a strict suit or a rather conservative dress for the interview, without going to extremes when choosing the length of skirts, colors and jewelry. Do not use sharp perfume or cologne.
Make sure in advance that you know how to get to the company building and where to leave the car. Leave the house well in advance.
Come 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. By this you will show that you respect the interviewer and appreciate his time. If you are still late, try to call back and warn about the delay.
Remember that when selecting from several candidates with the same qualifications, your ability to make a favorable impression during the interview will play a decisive role.
Have a good night's sleep before you go to the interview. People who haven't slept never make a good impression. Try to go to bed at normal times, not earlier and no later.