The office has all the tools required for Productivity, It includes the word, a text processing, and formatting tool, a database tool, Access. And a tool for spreadsheets, Excel. This powerful suite also includes a presentation tool, Powerpoint to create Powerful presentations. With this, it has other powerful tools like OneNote, Publisher, Outlook, Share Point, Teams and Yammer.
Updates and Fixes
Being a part of a big family like Microsoft has a lot of perks, This means, even if there is a bug in your software, it will be definitely fixed. There is no way that there can be a problem with your Office and it will be ignored, as it can become a problem on a larger scale. There is another thing about having a Microsoft Software, It is updated every now and then, Microsoft Office is always updated and it has become a great software on a bigger platform for the regular updates it has been receiving. Microsoft Office is not just left there to sit but updated every now and end, and all the updates are free and over the air. You just need to let the update go on in the background and you won’t even need to click a button to update it.