I'm hearing that a college degree is what a high school diploma once was, an opportunity to get a job . People just entering college won't have student debt to worry about especially if they know how to buy essay online. Or not as much as the recent generations As colleges have grown too bloated and expensive, they will now have to cut back bloat to reduce costs to students. It will happen, one way or another. Those that accommodate all the new students, will have their classes filled, the overpriced will have to find them someplace, maybe in other states, or go out of business. New York employers are sure to see state programs start up to connect jobs opportunities and the graduated cohorts. With all the jobs our so-called president has promised to bring back to the country,there should be no problem finding work for all the grads. If he fails in his promise, well, it won't be the "millennial progressives" fuming, since they don;t expect him to follow through anyway, but people like you, who have bought a bills of tarnished and rotten goods from the RW Dominionists who are taking over the country. Every good deed has some unexpected negative results, but overall, it looks like a good start toward a long-needed solution to a depressing problem.